T shirt sizes

We are just ordering the T shirts from out friends at Decathlon. The tri team have modelled them in the office and have come to the conclusion that the sizes are slightly on the small size. So when you collect your T shirt it will be a size up from what you originally requested. e.g if you put down for a small size you will actually get a medium.

Hopefully this will ensure that everyone gets a size suitable.

Who are we?

We have been asked a few times recently “who are the people who organise the NHS / Bolton Council Triathlon”  Well you may be surprised to find out that we are not full time event organisers!  Instead we are the Get Active team.  The Get Active team are part of the Public Health Department within Bolton Council.

Our day jobs involve encouraging and supporting the people of Bolton to become more active and we develop and support a wide variety of programmes and activities across the town. If you would like to find out a bit more about the team or put names to the faces you will speak to on the phone and will see on race day take a look at the website here



Something for the whole family.

This year there will be even more for the family to do while waiting to cheer loved ones across the finish line.  Among the attractions will be a climbing wall,  hot food, coffee van, refreshments, boxing arena, football arena, DJ and plenty of good music. All this can be found at the Athletes Village on Old Station Part Horwich from 9.30am.


With just over one weeks till race day the team would like to draw all competitors attention to the following information regarding the cycle part of the triathlon.

Cyclists MUST obey the rules of the road at all times. The cycle course has marshals on each junction, however the marshals role is to indicate route direction only, they have no legal jurisdiction over road traffic. It is the competitors responsibility to ensure their safety at all times, especially at junctions.

We would also particularly like to highlight that cyclists need to take extra care when descending Sheep House Lane. This is quite narrow at parts and there will be the usual Sunday tourist traffic. We highly recommend that cyclists either drive or cycle the route before race day to ensure they are familiar with the course 

Q&A/ride the bike course evening

On Tuesday 16th June 2015, we will be hosting a Q&A session where you will get the chance to quiz the organisers of the event on anything that you are unsure of. The Q&A’s will be followed by a “try the course session” where participants who do not know the bike route will have the opportunity to ride the cycle route accompanied by the event team and run the run route. The outline of the evening is

6.00pm   Q & A session

6.30pm   Cycle the bike course

8.00pm   Run the course

Places for this session are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in coming along to this informal yet informative evening, please book your place by emailing info@nhstriathlon.com or via the contact us page.To ensure the evening runs safely people who are not registered will be unable to join the session.

Training Tips & Advice- Swimming

As part of our series of tips and training advice we will take a closer look at how you can get swimming. It’s often the part of a triathlon that people fear the most, but swimming can actually be really good fun- you don’t even have to learn the crawl for triathlon if you don’t want to! With the NHS Fun Triathlon with Bolton Council fast approaching, there is no better time to dive in (or push off) and improve your swim stroke. Here are some ideas to help get you started:

First of all you better find your nearest pool!

The wonders of the internet make it really rather easy to find your local pool or lido! Simply follow this link, type in your postcode and hey presto – a comprehensive list of your nearest swimming facilities!


Get fit, log your progress, ask an expert…

The very same website has a host of free resources and links to help you get swimming, from training ideas to diet and nutrition advice- you could spend hours reading through all the information available – just don’t forget to actually put what you learn into practice!


How ‘Smooth’ is your stroke?

Another one of our favourite resources is www.swimsmooth.com which among other things has a really useful animation of Mr Smooth – demonstrating the perfect swim stroke! Speed him up, slow him down, view him from head on or from above – this cool moving graphic can come in handy if you just want to check what your head or hands*  should be doing. Check out the Swim Smooth book too!  

*or any other part of your body for that matter!   

Just want an easy to follow 10 week plan?

Then look no further, we have a dead easy free swim training plan right here on the NHS Fun Tri site- you are welcome!